We have just created the roles called the 'Build Monkey'. It's a role that moves from 
person to person depending on who broke the build.

Release Management is still the responsibility of one person.

CruiseControl is being used for our continuous integration of both the HEAD and the 
release tags within CVS.

Finally getting some control from the madness of one year ago.

Thanks Maven


-----Original Message-----
From: Konstantin Priblouda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 06 October 2003 17:17
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Input from Maven Users

--- Bateman Pat UK MYT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Tim,
> I would recommend Maven to everyone. I come from a
> Config Management
> background and its hard pushing the principles on to
> other who don't
> care or shouldn't care. Maven provides a framework
> for all to work
> within and thus includes everybody in that
> framework.
> So as long as everybody is willing it's a good
> thing.

I can only agree... I'm in charge for small developer
team, and another team which works with us remotely. 

I'm glad I do not have to develop and build scripts 
for all our subprojects, and management of
dependencies is easier...

> Before we moved to Maven we were using Ant very
> effectively, but it was
> hard to manage even with the ability to include Ant
> scripts within Ant
> scripts.

And with ten-some subprojects you will need just one
developer to manage all the ant stuff...
And another one ( he has to be armed, and given powers

to punish users :) ) to manage dependencies &
configuration :) 

> What we would like to see in the future is a Source
> Code Management and
> Defect Management plugin to provide some form of
> Release Management.

Well, release management strategy is already describe
in maven documentation. Seems to work for us. 


----[ Konstantin Pribluda ( ko5tik ) ]----------------
Zu Verstärkung meines Teams suche ich ab Sofort einen Softwareentwickler[In] für die 
Arbeitsort: Mainz 
Skills:  Programieren, Kentnisse in OpenSource-Bereich
----[ http://www.pribluda.de ]------------------------

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