No, sorry Brett for the confusion, there is no patch and I wasn't trying to "get anything through" at least not yet... it was nothing you did. The thread is born out of pure frustration on my part for trying to not have the RFE dismissed out of hand because someone can't be bothered to RTFM.

What I was asking for was a simple property switch so that when a war was built, I could have the project classes bundled into a jar and added to the WEB-INF/lib dir instead of unpacked in the WEB-INF/classes dir.

I'm doing this because I'm using the package versioning spec, see:

Now, this thread has grown because I keep getting some kind of garbage about war files and the servlet spec, witch has nothing to do with what I'm talking about and from my perspective the antagonist in question can't be bother to understand how 1) a servlet container works. 2) how the package versioning spec. works.

Now, I appear to not be eloquent enough for some people around here. Maybe this can all be put to rest if someone can explain the difference between a war and a jar and that the servlet spec and the versioning spec. have little to do with one another.

Am I talking out my rear here or does anyone at all understand what I'm talking about?

- Brill Pappin

Brett Porter wrote:

No idea what patch, but it was probably me that rejected it. Sorry if
it caused an offence, but I always try to give a reason that something
is not suitable. If I didn't, or you don't think it's correct, you're
welcome to continue to debate it in the relevant JIRA issue, or take
it up on the -dev list if you want the opinion of other committers.

The user list is the wrong place for this discussion. Let's keep it to
the user's questions.

But if after all that the -dev list has also not supported the patch
or there have been no additional response, you might have to accept
that we've been doing this longer and probably know better :)

It's not a unique situation - even when I commit stuff I get rebuked
for it sometimes because other developers don't agree - and when
they've been doing it longer than I have I accept that they probably
know better :)


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