Michal Maczka wrote:

On Tue, 2004-06-29 at 18:00, Brill Pappin wrote:

I thought I had explained this?

You did not.


Actually yes I did, working backwards in time and no including the one quoted here:

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 08:53:47 -0400:
"The reason I specifically want to do it, is so I can use the manifest to package extended information about the classes. I think I said that though..."

At Monday, June 28, 2004 2:21 PM
"Doing this allows me to use the manifest versioning, labeling and dependency parts of the manifest."

I think there might even be a few others I missed.

If you want to know more about what I'm doing (and why I'm asking for this), you can get a very good idea at this site:

Specifically take a look at the "Package Versioning Specification" which is link to the URL above, or at this URL:

Are you aware of the fact that servlet specification clearly defines the
location in the war archive where manifest files should go?


IMO there is absolutely no difference and servlet spec _recommends_ the
first option!

So this reason is not really a valid one and there is no any other valid
reason why this should be done. At least I am not going to do this.

Have you tried to do it with the war?
Did you even read that spec? Obviously not.
The classloader loads the jar and the respective versioning information not the webapp container that loads the war!
Remember that in this day and age all list mail gets archived so what you just said above will be preserved forever.

Michal, you are leading me to believe that you are the originator for this plugin. If that is the case I am hearing some very negative feedback from a member of this project which boils down to "I'm to lazy and can't be bothered".

Not only to lazy to do the work, which would be at your discretion, but to lazy to even bother looking into what I'm asking for and giving reasonable and coherent reasons for not doing it.

I don't think you *must* add this feature because *I* ask for it, but you owe all of us the courtesy of looking into the request (which you very clearly have not done).

This is exactly the kind of negative attitude that is turning people off of Maven and I find it very disappointing.

- Brill Pappin

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