I think that the target has to be people deciding whether to try Maven.
They initially want to know what it does and why it is better than Ant or whatever they are using now.

Trying to teach Maven in a single sentence is too much to ask.

"Maven is a build tool which consumes and produces artifacts managed in a repository." doesn't sound like it will help build my application.
At the start, one doesn't have any artifacts or own a repository.

"Apache Maven is a convention-over-configuration build tool which has great dependency management features." is pretty clear for a single sentence description and it true.
Maybe we can come up with a follow-up sentence to amplify/explain this one.
Most programmers or project managers should be able to find the time to read 2 or maybe 3 sentences before deciding on a build tool. As long as each sentence draws the person deeper into Maven, that would work.


On 06/01/2014 12:57 PM, Russell Gold wrote:
Of course, you could say that about Gradle, too. And ant now does have the 
ability to use those dependency features.

I went through this when creating my video course (not in the sig because this 
is work email). It’s not clear to me that you can make a one sentence 
description that will provide sufficiently useful information unless something 

"Maven is a build tool which consumes and produces artifacts managed in a 

But that is not going to help people coming new to the project.

I think I am missing the motivation here.Is the target for this description 
people deciding whether to try Maven? People trying to learn how to use it?

On Jan 6, 2014, at 12:43 PM, Lyons, Roy <roy.ly...@cmegroup.com> wrote:

on https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/New+Main+Site it says:

We need a short and snappy description of what Maven is:

"Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool."

Is just not an easy to understand description of what Maven is.

I would like to submit my short description for review.

"Apache Maven is a convention-over-configuration build tool which has great 
dependency management features."

I know that it does more than that - but I feel that at its core, this is what 
it really is.

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