Dear Geertjan,

Errr.... No!

I don’t want to delete the button - it's part of the UI. 

What I don't understand is how deleting button X changes the text in buttons 
A,B and C (if you see what I mean). That's surely a bug in NB, somewhere when 
it translates the data in the .form file into the Java code for 

Best regards,


Friday, July 19, 2019, 12:42:14 PM, you wrote:

I just followed your steps now and am now at the end where you say:

"Go back to the OuterPane design and delete the leftmost button (undo). Compile 
and run again. The question marks have disappeared and the arrows/square are 

So, the problem is fixed, i.e., your code is working in the end in the way 
you'd like it to be.

And here is your pull request:


On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:28 PM Peter Toye <> wrote:

Dear Geertjan,

You didn't answer my last emails, and I’ve been away for a few days.

Have a look at - I hope you can access 
it but I'm not sure about the privacy settings on GitHub. There's a README file 
to tell you what to do.

Best regards,


Saturday, July 13, 2019, 4:28:57 PM, you wrote:

Make as small a sample as possible that reproduces the problem and put it on 
GitHub — that will always be the approach to take, no one will ever want ‘the 
lot’ to solve a specific problem.


On Sat, 13 Jul 2019 at 17:19, Peter Toye <> wrote:

Dear Geertjan,

Oh dear, I was wrong. The problem came back today, even without the offending 
file in the directory.Shall I try to cut down the program to a manageable size 
before posting it, or would you like the lot?

Best regards,


Friday, July 12, 2019, 4:25:35 PM, you wrote:

You’re always going to have the same response — put the code somewhere so that 
someone can look at it and/or provide clear step by step instructions to 
reproduce the problem.


On Fri, 12 Jul 2019 at 17:15, Peter Toye <> wrote:

To continue with this (as I've not had any feedback) the .form file seems to 
contain the correct character:

        <Component class="javax.swing.JButton" name="btnRow">
            <Property name="font" type="java.awt.Font" 
              <Font name="SansSerif" size="12" style="0"/>
            <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" value="&#x2194;"/>    
            THIS IS CORRECT!
            <Property name="toolTipText" type="java.lang.String" value="Confine 
selected squares to row"/>
            <Property name="margin" type="java.awt.Insets" 
              <Insets value="[2, 5, 2, 5]"/>

So there's something wrong in the translation from this and the generated Java.



Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 12:53:19 PM, you wrote:

I modified a button to display a character rather than a GIF icon. The 
character is a symbol - from the Unicode arrows set \x219x. It displays OK in 
the Design (and also Preview) panes (see Fonts1.png) but when the program is 
run it displays as a question mark. And if I look at the generated code, the 
question mark is there as well (see Fonts2.png).

The character coding for the project is set to UTF-8, so there shouldn't be any 
code conversion issues there.

I've looked at the generated code with a hex editor and it's definitely a "?", 
the problem isn't just the display font used for the file.

The only slightly odd thing about the project is that it was imported from NB 
version 8.

I've tried generating a such simpler example from scratch, but this displays 
OK. And the generated code has the correct UTF-8 encoding for the character.

Has anyone any idea what's going on? It seems to be something to do with 
converting the form design to Java code, which I don't know anything about.

Thanks in advance,


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