The problem appears to be that when you check in or check out from GitHub,
those special characters become question marks -- probably not best to use
those special characters to begin with.

To solve the 'swing-layout not found problem' in your project, right-click
it, choose Properties, go to the Libraries tab, and remove the reference to
swing-layout, which you don't need and are not using in your project.


On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 2:09 PM Geertjan Wielenga <>

> I've checked in the changes you need as a pull request, once you integrate
> the pull request, you will not have question marks. The question marks
> where in your repo, they will not be there anymore after you accept my pull
> request.
> At this point, you've spent about two weeks working on this problem --
> maybe you should make images of what you'd like to have on those buttons
> and then attach those images to the buttons instead of what you're
> currently doing. If plan A doesn't work, try plan B.
> Gj
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 2:07 PM Peter Toye <> wrote:
>> Dear Geertjan,
>> Errr.... No!
>> I don’t want to delete the button - it's part of the UI.
>> What I don't understand is how deleting button X changes the text in
>> buttons A,B and C (if you see what I mean). That's surely a bug in NB,
>> somewhere when it translates the data in the .form file into the Java code
>> for initComponents().
>> Best regards,
>> Peter
>> -------------------------
>> Friday, July 19, 2019, 12:42:14 PM, you wrote:
>> I just followed your steps now and am now at the end where you say:
>> "Go back to the OuterPane design and delete the leftmost button (undo).
>> Compile and run again. The question marks have disappeared and the
>> arrows/square are there!"
>> So, the problem is fixed, i.e., your code is working in the end in the
>> way you'd like it to be.
>> And here is your pull request:
>> Gj
>> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:28 PM Peter Toye <> wrote:
>> Dear Geertjan,
>> You didn't answer my last emails, and I’ve been away for a few days.
>> Have a look at - I hope you can
>> access it but I'm not sure about the privacy settings on GitHub. There's a
>> README file to tell you what to do.
>> Best regards,
>> Peter
>> -------------------------
>> Saturday, July 13, 2019, 4:28:57 PM, you wrote:
>> Make as small a sample as possible that reproduces the problem and put it
>> on GitHub — that will always be the approach to take, no one will ever want
>> ‘the lot’ to solve a specific problem.
>> Gj
>> On Sat, 13 Jul 2019 at 17:19, Peter Toye <> wrote:
>> Dear Geertjan,
>> Oh dear, I was wrong. The problem came back today, even without the
>> offending file in the directory.Shall I try to cut down the program to a
>> manageable size before posting it, or would you like the lot?
>> Best regards,
>> Peter
>> -------------------------
>> Friday, July 12, 2019, 4:25:35 PM, you wrote:
>> You’re always going to have the same response — put the code somewhere so
>> that someone can look at it and/or provide clear step by step instructions
>> to reproduce the problem.
>> Gj
>> On Fri, 12 Jul 2019 at 17:15, Peter Toye <> wrote:
>> To continue with this (as I've not had any feedback) the .form file seems
>> to contain the correct character:
>>         </Component>
>>         <Component class="javax.swing.JButton" name="btnRow">
>>           <Properties>
>>             <Property name="font" type="java.awt.Font"
>> editor="org.netbeans.beaninfo.editors.FontEditor">
>>               <Font name="SansSerif" size="12" style="0"/>
>>             </Property>
>>             <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String"
>> value="&#x2194;"/>                THIS IS CORRECT!
>>             <Property name="toolTipText" type="java.lang.String"
>> value="Confine selected squares to row"/>
>>             <Property name="margin" type="java.awt.Insets"
>> editor="org.netbeans.beaninfo.editors.InsetsEditor">
>>               <Insets value="[2, 5, 2, 5]"/>
>>             </Property>
>>           </Properties>
>> So there's something wrong in the translation from this and the generated
>> Java.
>> Peter
>> -------------------------
>> Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 12:53:19 PM, you wrote:
>> I modified a button to display a character rather than a GIF icon. The
>> character is a symbol - from the Unicode arrows set \x219x. It displays OK
>> in the Design (and also Preview) panes (see Fonts1.png) but when the
>> program is run it displays as a question mark. And if I look at the
>> generated code, the question mark is there as well (see Fonts2.png).
>> The character coding for the project is set to UTF-8, so there shouldn't
>> be any code conversion issues there.
>> I've looked at the generated code with a hex editor and it's definitely a
>> "?", the problem isn't just the display font used for the file.
>> The only slightly odd thing about the project is that it was imported
>> from NB version 8.
>> I've tried generating a such simpler example from scratch, but this
>> displays OK. And the generated code has the correct UTF-8 encoding for the
>> character.
>> Has anyone any idea what's going on? It seems to be something to do with
>> converting the form design to Java code, which I don't know anything about.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Peter
>> <>

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