NoOp wrote:
On 10/24/2008 09:07 PM, Rob Clement wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 10/24/2008 03:03 AM, Rob Clement wrote:
Richard wrote:
Other posts say there's works, I suggest you open a document of at least half a meg, allow an autosave, then just pull the plug, only then can you see if this is working.
Sorry for my delay in replying I'm only now getting to my e-mails and it is just after 6pm in Hong Kong

My cry would be that the document is too big. Split it and take out the pictures. Also get yourself a second inverter as the capacity on the existing one is not enough.
A half meg document is too big? Could of fooled me; I've a 14MB document
open now that I'm working on. It's a tech manual with 30 pages of frames
& illustrations and it's just fine.

As you have cut my comments in half let me spell this out.

It's not necessary, everyone can read the thread, including your
previous comments. I didn't cut your comments in half, I only commented
on your last regarding that a half a meg document is too big.

The original problem was submitted by someone whose pc has been continually crashing due to the fact that his power supply was overloaded. The computer was obviously VERY VERY slow when it saved the OOo document as the crashes were coming thick and fast.

You obviously didn't read Richard's posts, or I missed a few; there is
no mention of "crashes coming thick and fast".

The obvious
solution for him was to cut down the size of document he was using.

Nonsense. He didn't mention the size of his documents & only stated "I
suggest you open a document of at least half a meg, allow an autosave,
then just pull the plug,".

also have some suspicions that the continual failures of his machine have caused hardware problems for that machine, but that is his problem. That particular OOo user had a HARDWARE problem, that he was then blaming on OOo when the hardware needed to be sorted first before any blame could be attached to any version of OOo. Personally I have just finished writing 3 documents one of 2MB, one of 8MB and another of 11MB all with OpenOffice 3.0 and I have had no problems whatsoever including bullet points or any other the other gripes with OOo. Running OOo 3.0 on Windows Vista Home Basic.

But I imagine that if you do as suggested: open a document of at least
half a meg, allow an autosave, then just pull the plug" you will
experience the issue that he was referring to, and to which Hagar has
identified as



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Unfortunately I could pull the plug a dozen times and would not have the same problem as I use a portable and the battery would prevent me from having a problem of losing data.

Power is DEFINITELY under this users control. There is a problem with OOo 3.0 and the autosave BUT until he has his power supply problem under control he has no cause to rant and rave over a problem with Ooo that he could cure by sorting out the power supply problem.


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