On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 19:04, Bob Benolkin wrote:
> Does OpenOffice have the ability to use "Microsoft Publisher"?

Not directly.

Indirectly, between Write and Draw, one can do everything that can be
done within MS Publisher.

If doing serious desktop publishing, Scribus might better suit the
requirements than OOo. OTOH, the use o f MS Publisher implies very
casual and infrequent use of desktop publishing, and as such, OOo will
be more than adequate.

> I have many *.pub files but can't get them to work because, now that I'm on 
> Vista with a 64-bit computer. I can't get "Microsoft Office 2003" installed.

Consider their loss to be part of the financial cost you paid, of
downgrading to software distributed by a vendor that enforces vendor
lockin  using whatever method that can be utilized, regardless of
morals, ethics, or laws.


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