2010/2/27 Thomas Blasejewicz <tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp>

> M Henri Day さんは書きました:
>  2010/2/27 Thomas Blasejewicz <tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp>
>>> Recently I installed OO32 on both my Windows machines (plus a Linux
>>> machine).
>>> Under Windows I have VirusBuster running.
>>> In more or less regular intervals a little window opens in the right
>>> lower corner of the screen, telling me (since I am running a Japanese
>>> system, the message is in Japanese) that something called "soffice.bin"
>>> is trying to access the system files and VirusBuster has blocked that
>>> attempt.
>>> And: VirusBuster marks this event as "highly dangerous".
>>> This did NOT happen with what I used before: OOo2.3.
>>> What is this all about?
>>> IS OO32 actually dangerous?
>>> What is this "soffice.bin" trying to do?
>>> In other words ... what am I supposed to do about it?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Thomas
>> Thomas, there seem to be several different programmes which call
>> themselves
>> «VirusBuster», one a rogue anti-spyware programme (
>> http://preview.tinyurl.com/yg4k34 ), and the other a presumably
>> legitimate
>> AV-protection. If it's the latter you have, can't it be configured to
>> recognise «soffice.bin», which I understand to be the OOo quick starter
>> programme ?...
>> 頑張って !
>> Henri
> Thank you Henri
> VirusBuster is a commercial product by TrendMicro and which I purchased in
> a respectable shop. It should be both legitimate and probably also well
> functioning.
> Your comment referring to the quick starter makes sense and I tried (with a
> little luck also succeeded) in setting permission for it in VirusBuster.
> (I will let you know, when this has solved the problem.)
> Other comments referring to "crappy ..." unfortunately have been much less
> helpful.

Let us know if the problem persists ! As to comments on the quality of the
AV and the OS, consider that *quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus*....


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