Jallan wrote:
Joe Hogan wrote:


THis discussion should really be moved to discuss or social. However, I

see that some of you really like WP so I thought that the following
might encourage you to accept OOo as it is and go on to other more
important things.

While you might bringup a point that this 'seems' to be dragging along, I
disagree that we should have to move on. A list like this is to discuss the
usage of the software, and discuss improvements.

Will these ideas be brought forth to the developmental stage, I hopeso, but
unless it is deemed important enough, it might not make it.

Your argument of accepting it because of prices of WP, well, we could just
accept Microsoft Office and accept the prices.  Bad argument.

I personally has used styles, but styles do not always apply in all cases.
So, we must use the bold, italics, etc...  So, this is where reveal codes
would come in handy.

First, you can use styles in all cases if you want. (I will admit in some cases it is quite reasonable not to want to.)

Second, since OOo Office does not use codes internally, there are no codes to reveal. Internally bolding is set directly as a formatting attribute on a range of text, not through code tokens. If you select a range of text in your document, and apply bolding, then a text range object is created which points to that portion of text and contains, among other attributes, the attribute bold.

No codes, whatsoever to reveal. So how does reveal codes come in handy? And you can see the bolding right on the screen in any case.

As for being stuck with the features as is, lets bring this up to the people that do the development. Reveal codes is a valuable tool, and many people
have grown to like it.

Why is reveal codes valuable? Because in a text processing system that uses internal formatting codes embedded in a text stream it helps in the understanding what is going on. And it helps to be able to fix things at a more basic level than the normal display mode shows.

But how are reveal codes valuable on a system that doesn't use internal formatting codes embedded in a text stream, when they are no formatting codes to reveal other than those that may appear when you use View -> Nonprinting characters?

In OOo Writer, if you do want to see the low-level formatting attributes applied to a paragraph, use Format -> Paragraph. What you see are the current settings in memory for that paragraph object which you can change directly, just as you would change codes if there were any. In OOo Writer, display routines use those values in displaying that paragraph, just as they would use codes, if there were any formatting code tokens, which there aren't.

Select a range of text, and use Format -> Character to see directly the formatting attributes of that text. Then change anything you like. The text you selected will now be a new object in memory with the attributes you have chosen. But there are no codes, only settings (attributes) attached to that particular text range object.

In WordPerfect a particular formatting code can turn on bolding and another turns it off. But the text between then gains the bold attribute. What OOo Writer and most other word processors do is apply the bold attribute directly without inserting unnecessary code tokens in the text stream to turn it off and on. The system knows whether a particular stretch of text is bolded or not in other ways, by keeping track of the points where any formatting changes.

Note ... I have not brought styles into this at all. This is all direct formatting.

A style is simply a way creating a bundle of attributes that you can more easily apply all at once, and then change all text or paragraphs or pages to which the style is applied. But a style just sets the same values you can set yourself with direct formatting, and does it in OOo Writer and MS Word without using or needing any formatting codes.

I believe that instead of saying that it is not possible because of the way
OO is structured, that we talk to the programmers to work out a solution.

A solution to what? The unshakable but totally incorrect belief of some WordPerfect users that that there must be formatting code tokens used internally in every other word processor?

What do you really want to do with codes, that you can't do now with direct formatting (or styles)? Many of the problems that a formatting code systems have such as orphaned closing tokens, accidental deletion of a token character, and so forth cannot exist in a system that doesn't use formatting character tokens. You can't delete what isn't there. A simplified system that does without these codes also avoids the kinds of problems which they cause.

What we could use, as myself and others have discussed, is better tools for debugging, including perhaps a tool that would portray the underlying structure of a Writer paragraph in memory, including a map of the text ranges with quick ways to reveal the actual formatting differences between such ranges and providing information as to which attributes depend on the style applied to the paragraph, which attributes derive from a named character style, and which attributes derive from direct formatting.

There would be value in a mode that portrays underlying aspects of text display not visible in the normal mode, but they must be the underlying aspects that matter in OOo Writer.

Should this discussion continue. Perhaps not.

Yet, this forum is supposedly to aid users with problems, not discuss operating systems. But problems that arise with OpenOffice.org (and other software) often partly derive because users misunderstand what is going on ... for example the common misunderstanding that because OOo icons appear on .doc files that the files themselves have been sometimes converted, the confusion that often arises about language attributes, the common expectation the a change in Page format should be global.

A difficulty many WordPerfect users have with other word processors is they approach them with the wrong model in mind. Their very experience is in some ways more likely to hinder than help compared to a new user of OOo Writer of MS Word, because so much of what they think they know is absolutely wrong. Of course, they then blame the stupid word processor. Whereas using dialog boxes to set formatting is in WordPerfect a high-level function, in that it sets underlying codes, OOo Writer this is most a low-level function the sets values directly in memory. WordPerfect users think they are being kept at a high level and away from the the low level because they do not have a reveal codes mode, when in fact OOo Writer lets users access the system at a lower level than WordPerfect.

Perhaps there should be some help documentation specifically pointed towards WordPerfect users, pointing out how exactly how different Writer is underneath, that it doesn't have a reveal codes mode because it doesn't use codes, but that viewing and changing values through attribute dialog boxes is a low-level function, at the same level that manipulating code tokens is in WordPerfect, indeed below that level.

Such a document would have to be written by someone versed in both WordPerfect and OOo Writer. It would be helpful to be able direct WordPerfect users to such a document which would have examples of how debugging at a low level is done on a system where you aren't kept away from direct formatting by a formatting codes level.


The formatting at a particular point in a document is what the issue is. I have tried to use styles to clean up imported documents with limited success. I could use an XML editor to find some of the tokens (pointers or whatever you want to call the XML property coding) that indicate the formatting. But that defeats the purpose of using OOo as a word processor. If I want to go to that level, I could just use LaTeX as many around work here do.

After thinking about this overnight, I would like to see a dialog box that reveals the details of the formatting at the cursor location. Not something that you have to search through mutilple windows but a simple dialog box that can display the various styles used.

  Page style:  xxx
  Paragraph style: xxx
  Character style: xxx
  Frame style: xxx
  List style: xxx
  Font: xxx
  Font style: xxx

This is basically what Reveal codes offers with the added effect feature of being able to edit within the reveal code box. As I said earlier, when you import multiple formatted documents, highliting and changing the style doesn't always work, and in my experience, hardly works.

In most cases, I cannot think of any formatting before the document is completed as I have no idea what will be included until much later. This is common where I work. Many people pulling information from many sources. I would love a way to see when the properties of the document change as I move a cursor through the document. Find out how that imported document displays all the text like t

And wont let me change it in any way through the styles, at least not in a way that I have already learned.

I understand that there are no tokens as WP does them. I do know that there are property pointers tough. These could be indicated.

But I am repeating myself again.

I feel that OOo has the ability with the inclusion of a styles indicator box that could display the properties for the particular point that the cursor is at. Add in the ability to go to the individual styles used at that point, would provide almost the same functionabilty as Reveal Codes within the framework of styles. It doesn't change the usage or programming of OOo or the whole styles concept but provides a new and powerful tool for the users. Making OOo better.

I will add this to the Reveal Codes RFE (3395).

I want to see OOo much better than any of the competitors.
Robin Laing

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