Andrius Aštrauskas wrote:

In documents converted by exporting to pdf from writer, in all
pdf viewers (especially Adobe Reader, but xpdf, kpdf, evince too)
some pages appear slowly - line by line. These pages are tables of
contents with different styles for different outline levels. And in
original pdf's (my one is a translation) all lines are displayed almost
at once.

I'm using OO 2.0.1-5 on Debian. Don't think it's OS or ghostscript
(I've tried extendPDF macro -
the pages are good ...but all the cross-references are lost).

Is there a way to "tune" OO pdf converter?

Another thing I need is bookmarks to be shown on opening, and expanded
only to level 2 instead of level five.

Can upgrading to 2.0.2 or 2.0.3 RC solve the problem?

Have you tried this by using the PDF Converter "printer" to generate the PDF files instead of using the PDF Export function?

The former can be set up by using the spadmin program, the location of which may vary by distro. On my FC5 system it is:


Someone will correct me certainly, but I don't believe that the PDF Export function uses ghostscript, since it works whether GS is installed or not (ie. the default on most Windows systems). There are also different behaviors with the two PDF generating mechanisms, which have been covered here recently (specifically with respect to embedded EPS files).

The PDF Converter printer essentially creates a Distiller like driver by using a GS command line containing "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite". This is essentially the same configuration as ps2pdf, which you could use if you generate a PS file from Writer using a PS printer driver and then use ps2pdf to convert to PDF. Using the PDF Converter does this in a single step within Writer.

I would try that to see if you get any different behavior in your resultant PDF files. If so, it may indicate a problem with the default PDF Export function, which you might want to file a bug report against. If not, you might want to see if you can provide a sample document that exhibits the problems (without compromising confidential information) to see if others can replicate your experience.


Marc Schwartz

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