On Sunday May  20 2007 4:38 pm, Pueblo Native wrote:
> If I mess with anybody's threads by posting on this instead of
> making a new thread, but I'm having a few questions.  First off, I
> think I remember somebody telling me where these e-mails were
> coming from but I forgot or deleted the bookmark.
> Secondly, in regards to a lot of these e-mails, I know a lot can be
> answered by the FAQ.   Yes, I know, you can lead a horse to water
> but you can't make him drink.  But couldn't we at least make him
> cross a couple of rivers before we got him a cup of water?  In
> other words, at least put the form at the end of the first page of
> the FAQ?

      If you were frustrated because something was not working the way 
you thought it should, would you want to "cross a couple of rivers 
before you got a cup of water"? Granted, there are some who are not 
willing to try to find an answer. But what about those who have tried 
and could not find what they thought they needed?


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