bill purvis wrote:
I finally decided to install the new version on the present system.
Downloaded the tar file with the .deb's in it and unpacked them.
Then removed all of the OpenOffice bits currently installed.
Then I entered:

apt-get install *.deb in the DEBS subdirectory.

Got the usual stuff about Reading package lists, dependency
tree, state information, then:

E: Couldn't find package

and it exits. There is a file of that name in the
directory and it looks OK. Any idea what might be
upsetting it?

OK I knew there was something obvious I was missing when I read your email here.

You should I believe be using the command
dpkg -i *.deb

To install those files from a directory

For a detailed explanation you can look at the first posting in the Installation/Linux forum,
by one of the other admins, Hagar D'lest, earlier today actually.



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