On Monday 19 November 2007, Dan Lewis wrote:
> On Monday November 19 2007 08:37 am, bill purvis wrote:
> > Drew,
> > I finally decided to install the new version on the present system.
> > Downloaded the tar file with the .deb's in it and unpacked them.
> > Then removed all of the OpenOffice bits currently installed.
> > Then I entered:
> >
> > apt-get install *.deb in the DEBS subdirectory.
> >
> > Got the usual stuff about Reading package lists, dependency
> > tree, state information, then:
> >
> > E: Couldn't find package openoffice.org-base_2.3.0-5_i386.deb
> >
> > and it exits. There is a file of that name in the
> > directory and it looks OK. Any idea what might be
> > upsetting it?
> >
> > Bill
> Why did you use apt-get install *.deb in the DEBS subdirectory? What you
> should have used was
>  sudo dpkg -i *.deb
> This will install all the *.deb files in the directory.
>     I am using Ubuntu Gutzy after having upgraded from Feisty. So, I also
> use the DEB package from OOo. In my limited experience with Debian
> distributions, I have found that apt-get goes to the internet to
> download .deb files and install them. Perhaps, I am wrong.
Dan, see my latest reponse to Drew. I'm very much a novice at Ubuntu/Debian
and my experience is still limited (but still willing to learn).
I was brought up on RedHat! (Not actually true - I was brought up on
paper tape based operating systems, about 40 years before Linux).

| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
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