On Monday 19 November 2007, Drew Jensen wrote:
> bill purvis wrote:
> > OK, I now have OpenOffice 2.3 installed. It opens existing files up
> > but cannot find the 'mysql-java' JDBC Driver. I have tried uninstalling
> > mysql-java and re-installing it, but no joy. It simply comes up with
> > 'unable to connect to database MSS' and reporting that the
> > class 'com/mysql/jdbc/Driver' cannot be loaded.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Bill
> Sure - you have to tell OpenOffice.org where the driver is located. You
> can find a detailed description of the steps at
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Connect_MySQLandBase
> Drew
I now remember doing this with the previous release, but I don't
remember setting the classpath bit. OK, it now works.
However, the original problem is still with us. I can't sort on
an invisible field - it gets changed to visible as soon as I try
to run the query.

I asked someone (offline) about this and was told that the way to do
what I want is in reports, so I tried that and discovered that
it screws up. I tried a simple report using 4 fields: status, title,
firstname, lastname, sorting on status,lastname,firstname and got
the headings as above but data was from status, firstname, lastname
and the fourth column had the latin stuff that's supposed to be overwritten!

This really isn't what I need - I want to be able to view the list of
members, then select one and view all his details, possibly editing some.

I just can't see how to do this in Base. Is there a tutorial that
describes how to do this sort of thing?

| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
|  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
|  http://bil.members.beeb.net          |

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