On 19/11/2007 19:33, bill purvis wrote:
OK, I now have OpenOffice 2.3 installed. It opens existing files up
but cannot find the 'mysql-java' JDBC Driver. I have tried uninstalling
mysql-java and re-installing it, but no joy. It simply comes up with
'unable to connect to database MSS' and reporting that the
class 'com/mysql/jdbc/Driver' cannot be loaded.

Any suggestions?

This might be the wrong tree I'm barking up but ...

In Tools>Options>OpenOffice.org>Java is the correct version of Java (a) listed and (b) selected? The leftmost column in the list of possible JRE's consists of "radio buttons" one of which must be "depressed" for that JRE to be used.

If the correct version is not selected, select it. If it's not listed, use the Add button to find it and then make sure it is selected. Its mere presence in the list is not sufficient, even if it's the only entry.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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