At 18:46 19/10/2007, Christian Schlatter wrote:
>Jiri Kuthan wrote:
>>At 17:34 19/10/2007, Christian Schlatter wrote:
>>>I don't understand why [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not unique enough?
>>sometimes it is [EMAIL PROTECTED], sometimes [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>>sometimes it is [EMAIL PROTECTED] or even worse you can take your spouses'
>>name and from day D you begin to be [EMAIL PROTECTED], and your company
>>gets acquired and you become [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Which clients without
>>DNS/SRV can try to reach as [EMAIL PROTECTED], and those who pay
>>extra respect to you using capital letters as [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>The implication to sanity of data in usrloc, accounting and other tables is 
>>if you don't bring those to a common denominator. Any change to any name 
>>a real pain. The point is names do changes, use of numbers is designed to make
>>relations between tables invariable.
>Ok, this makes sense e.g. for foreign key relationships, 


>but isn't this more of a database specific thing?

Well, I have though of it from SER angle with mysql usage and can't easily 
relieve myself
from that viewpoint and may be a bit confused too -- how do you think a 
model would look like?

I understand that for example the case-sensitive bit can be set as part of DB 
definition -- is that the kind of things you have on your mind?

In which case a counter-argument would be, that case-sensitiviness is a matter 
of local
policy (i.e. app) which is more dynamic (e.g. per-domain) than schema 
definition is.
How would a DB-specific way of dealing with things handle multiple aliases?

If that's it, what is the division line between app's and databases 

> We are using our university's LDAP based identity management system to manage 
> SIP accounts, and openser accesses this system directly through H.350. Our 
> assumption is that the SIP proxy shouldn't care about identity management at 
> all, so it doesn't care if it is [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not sure what it means it doesn't care.... who does resolve aliases
for users (cristian|cs) and domains (.net|.com) so that whatever comes out
of it can be matched to for example accounting data? who take care of

>You're raising a good point, but I think identity management should not be 
>done in the SIP proxy.

Actually what is "identity managment" -- it became a bit too popular expresssion
so that its meaning is a bit fluid to me... anyhow, I will be thankful for any 
Identity is indeed very important.

>>>According to RFC 3261 section 19.1.4, SIP usernames are case sensitive, so 
>>>you actually shouldn't convert them to upper/lower-case. 
>>That's a protocol thing. An example implication is that you shall not forward 
>>SIP request
>>to other domains whilst changing the URI.
>>However, if you are processing a request for your domain, you own the 
>>username and the way
>>you process it is subject to your policy. You can use an LDAP alias to expand 
>>other URI, you can do call-forwarding by rewriting the URI to something 
>>else, you can expand a speed-dial to a full URI, you can do anything you 
>>with the username you own. I personally prefer to ignore case, but the key 
>>is you are allowed to and should set a coherent policy on how you deal with 
>I had to find out the hard way that asterisk is treating SIP usernames case 
>sensitive which lead to the decision that it is the safest to handle SIP 
>usernames case sensitive everywhere.

It is actually a reasonable policy (at least from my POV), but a policy should 
not be hardwired in code.


>Your're right though that this is a matter of local policy.
>>>And user/domain aliases is a different issue since it always involves some 
>>>kind of alias mapping lookup.
>>That's the separate things following the same scheme indeed. If you don't 
>>want to
>>do a data migration story on any name change, use IDs, for example UUIDs.
>>>>See above inline for what happens when you do it other ways. In any case
>>>>that's how unambiguous behaviour shall be achieved in a "water-proof" way.
>>>>>So, I do not see any fundamental error here, given the subject of the 
>>>>looking up user data by his username as opposed to by id is just very poor 
>>>>let's face it. (those familiar with unix may find too that usernames are 
>>>>as input/output user-interface thing, but the OS actually operates over 
>>>>The funny part is that getting things right is apparently not a big deal in 
>>>>case, but getting it wrong can cause big headaches.
>>>>I am not sure though what of it is coding and what of it is configuration 
>>>>thing in openser, I'm sure some will know.
>>>>Jiri Kuthan  
>>>>Users mailing list
>>>Jiri Kuthan  
>Jiri Kuthan  

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