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Christopher X. Candreva writes:
> On Wed, 29 Sep 2004, Chris Santerre wrote:
> > OK, I'm officially running 3.0 in production now. The upgrade was
> > miraculously easy. Despite my paranoia that something was going to bite me
> > in the behind, it went so smooth I was still worried. 
> Did the same last night. There is one MAJOR gotcha for Solaris that isn't in 
> the docs, but is on the wiki.
> Sys-Hostname-Long is majorly broken on Solaris. It assumes a gnu hostname 
> command and issues 'hostname --fqdn' to get the hostname, resorting to an 
> IP method if this returns an error.
> hostname on solaris however doesn't take options, and if you are root set's 
> the system hostname to whatever you pass it. Upshot: Run spamd 3.0.0 as root 
> on Solaris to suid to your users, and it changes your hostname to --fqdn !
> So if you did a make test of S::H::L as a user other than root, all tests 
> pass and it looks like it works. Call it from a program running as root 
> -- and WHAM, odd things start happening since your hostname is now wrong. 
> IE -- syslog stops working.
> This was posted on the wiki and on the CPAN site, but evidently no one had 
> e-mailed the author of Sys-Hostname-Long! I mailed him about this last 
> night.

There's *several* bugs open on rt.perl.org about it.  Perhaps he isn't
listed as the maintainer of the module, with that bug tracking system...

> I highly suggest at LEAST adding a note to the INSTALL notes of SA 3.0.0

there's a bug in our bugzilla about it -- that may be a good plan.

- --j.
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Comment: Exmh CVS


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