On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 14:12:48 -0400 (EDT)
"Christopher X. Candreva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sys-Hostname-Long is majorly broken on Solaris. It assumes a gnu
> hostname command and issues 'hostname --fqdn' to get the hostname,
> resorting to an IP method if this returns an error.
> hostname on solaris however doesn't take options, and if you are root
> set's the system hostname to whatever you pass it. Upshot: Run spamd
> 3.0.0 as root on Solaris to suid to your users, and it changes your
> hostname to --fqdn !

This does not sound good.

I have been running SA3.0 for a while on Solaris 9 from MIMEDefang and
have never had the hostname changed.  In fact, my spamassassin package
does not list Sys::Hostname::Long as a prerequiste.


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