Bill, thank you for this excellent explanation, and for the kind words!

For those of you who don't know us, or me, I came out of MAPS;  I was in-house 
counsel for MAPS during the first rash of lawsuits against MAPS brought by 
spammers.  To say that I am rabidly anti-spam would be an understatement.

ISIPP, and our SuretyMail service, were founded by me a year and a bit after I 
left MAPS.  As such, our priority has always been, and remains, first and 
foremost, to the *receivers* - ISPs, spam filters, and any receiver who is 
using our data/zones.

It is true that the senders are our paying customers, however by design the 
amount of monies we receive from any given customer is small enough that the 
pleasure of whacking a spammer far outweighs any downside of giving a paying 
customer the boot if they are not doing The Right Thing.  Plus, we have a very 
extensive background check that we put a potential customer (sender) through 
before we will certify them.  We reject plenty of applicants.

> However, the different responses from IADB are VERY nuanced and the two 
> strongest rules you listed (RCVD_IN_IADB_OPTIN and RCVD_IN_IADB_VOUCHED) are 
> essentially "good intentions" markers.
> Due to unfortunate terminology choices by ISIPP and a willingness to engage 
> in nuance and estimate intentions, those aren't really as worthwhile as they 
> might seem. 

Hey Bill - can you please elaborate on the terminology choices which you see as 
unfortunate? We are *always* open to input.  Where we say "opt-in" we mean 
exactly that - single opt-in;  if someone didn't ask for the email not only 
would we call that "opt-out", but we would not certify that sender's email.  
And if one of our senders is sending spam where they claim that all of their 
mailings are 100% opt-in (at least) we want to know, because...whack!

Seriously, we are always open to feedback, and if a change in terminology is 
warranted we have no problem doing that (we also are happy to create a custom 
zone based on whatever the receiver wants for those who would like zones with 
highly specific profiles of the IPs therein - some receivers do that because 
they can't take advantage of the granularity of the data in our zones (although 
that is not the case for fact our data response codes were 
*specifically* created for SA because SA *can* take advantage of that level of 


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance

Attorney at Law / Legislative Consultant
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Legal Counsel: The CyberGreen Institute
Legal Counsel: The Earth Law Center
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Board of Directors, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Member, Advisory Board, Cause for Awareness
Member, Elevations Credit Union Member Council
Former Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose

Available for consultations by special arrangement. | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

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