jdow <j...@earthlink.net> writes:

> I am still trying to figure out the rationale for forcing everybody out there 
> with established lists of "whitelist_from_rcvd" and "blacklist_from_rcvd" to 
> go 
> out there and edit EVERYBODY's user_prefs or explain to users they must do 
> this 
> themselves. *I* can do this easily enough and call them foolist_from_rcvd and 
> barlist_from_rcvd if needed. I am thinking if people with setups in small 
> business offices that have to invade privacy or explain how so that 
> user_prefs 
> can be changed. And how about all the ancillary scripts that train spam that 
> also have to be changed?
> This is something that is not broken, currently works, that some dolt is 
> trying 
> to fix. It's better you call that person a dolt than try to change the world 
> and 
> break everything. Making this change is dumb. It is counter-productive. It is 
> even destructive. Just Say No.

That's exactely my point. SA is not just one stand alone software, it is
deeply integrated into other pieces of software and lot of locally
developped scripts and suff. And all this will have to be changed to
satify a need of renaming.

That is breaking things for the sake of breaking. And email server
depends on enough number of pieces working well together, no need to
break it on a whim.



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