On 20200714 00:31:19, @lbutlr wrote:
On 14 Jul 2020, at 01:22, jdow <j...@earthlink.net> wrote:
How does this move improve the technical quality of the product from the end 
users' perspective?

You've been told repeatedly that the decision has been made, and you have 
ignored everyone and attacked anyone who has posted on this any opinion that 
deviated from you WRONG opinion. No one cares.

Stop it.

Am I being bullied because you cannot answer a simple question?

I've been keeping my mouth shut until somebody aims a shot at me. At least have the grace to admit your changes have zero technical merit, may cause pain at the sysadmin and user level, and will happen anyway because of some nebulous social goodness from it. (Hint, betcha a nickle, my maximum bet, that it does not draw in more minorities to the development effort. OTHER problems need to be addressed at a social level.)


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