On 7/13/2020 1:01 AM, Olivier wrote:
> That's exactely my point. SA is not just one stand alone software, it is
> deeply integrated into other pieces of software and lot of locally
> developped scripts and suff. And all this will have to be changed to
> satify a need of renaming.
> That is breaking things for the sake of breaking. And email server
> depends on enough number of pieces working well together, no need to
> break it on a whim.

Olivier and others, I am guessing you have not tested the trunk and the
changes for bz 7826 as backwards compatibility was handled as far as I
know.  There is no need to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt.  We went
to trouble to make rules and configuration lines work with aliases and
feature checks so nothing breaks because of this.  Further, the project
is committed to the backwards compatibility for at least 1 year after
4.0.0 is released AND not until 4.1.0 is released.



Kevin A. McGrail

Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

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