On 16/07/2020 09:24, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> All:
> We're getting some positive attention from the verbiage change.  See
> https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kmcgrail_apache-spamassassin-leads-a-growing-list-activity-6689260331719520256-gMy7
> for a link to a Guardian Digital post about it. 
> Anyway, I hope those not excited by the change will come around.  We are
> working hard to make it as painless as possible and we have gotten word
> that several tools and projects that integrate with SpamAssassin will
> follow suit.
> Regards,

December 27 (our quietest time of year generally) this year has been
slated for our changeover to remove spamassassin from our network. 

Our policies have long excluded using politically motivated companies,
organisations, equipment and software. you made this political, you do
not care for the opinions of others unless they agree with yours, so
adios amigos.

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