Tokenism is a big thing in politics, probably everywhere on this planet. Gotta be seen as doing something, ya know. We need a third house in our legislature, the House of Repeals that strikes out dumb laws hastily drafted to appease loud mouths.


On 20200715 20:52:51, Noel Butler wrote:
I guess they're going to go back to the yellowish tinged incandescent bulbs too, since LEDs available today produce " white " light. They'll have to change their story books as well, cant call it after "dark" or "dark" night|skies|...

It's amazing how SOME Americans are quick to jump on bandwagons about innocent terms are called, yet FAIL to do ANYTHING about their population - even KIDS, getting slaughtered and gunned down nearly every second day in mass shootings. but you only have to look at how they are acting with COVID19 to know they have NFI about civil priorities.

No wonder the USA is the joke of the world - and its not all Trumps faultĀ  <--- (jesus christ, I never thought I'd hear myself say that)

On 16/07/2020 13:37, Eric Broch wrote:

You're the ones who've moved, I've gone nowhere. You'll never run out of words to censor. Soon you'll be offended by everything. Where will you hide then. I don't know how you'll escape the planet when everyone and everything offends you.

More importantly calling those racists who are not racists is slander--bearing false witness against you neighbor--a violation of the 9th commandment. Instead of fearing God alone you adore the praise of wicked men.

On 7/15/2020 8:21 PM, Thomas Cameron wrote:

On 7/15/20 9:12 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

Using the word "blacklist" is racism. Does everyone get this! By definition you ARE a "RACIST" and ARE "White Privilege[d]."

This is a political movement to blacklist (oooooohhhhhhh, I said it) anyone who does not comply. We're no longer angry, we're "not excited," how generous.

The spamassassin leadership team are political hacks.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, then.



Kind Regards,

Noel Butler

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