Irina wrote:
> Hello all,
> We getting much more spam lately than used to.  I am looking at SA and
> seeing few things that either don't work properly or have not been set up
> (my fault I have to admit).  I will start from a simple question.
> At some point we had a problem with AWL giving a positive score to our users
> forcing messages to be marked as spam.  I disabled it.  Later on I enabled
> trusted_networks which works ok (it give a minus score when I am sending a
> message).
> Here is my question.  If trusted_networks are set right, will it ever
> give/add a positive score to AWL?

Yes, it will give positive scores sometimes. But those scores shouldn't be

Please read:

Basically, adding positive scores to nonspam and negative scores to spam is
normal for the AWL. It's only a problem when things get pushed too far one way
or another.(as you saw)

A poorly defined trusted_networks can cause the AWL to not be able to tell the
difference between someone actually sending mail and someone else spoofing them.
That can cause errant AWL learning of spoofed spam/viruses/etc as being sent by
the real person.

I suspect that you might have had this happen at your site, and setting
trusted_networks correctly should prevent that from re-occurring.

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