Robert Bartlett wrote:
> I had the same problem when I turned on trusted_networks. I was told
> to put this in my for SA:
> score ALL_TRUSTED       0
> It seemed to resolve the problem

No, it doesn't solve anything.  It just masks the problem.  There are
quite a few features of SA that will not work properly if
trusted_networks is messed up.  ALL_TRUSTED is just the most visible.

Turn the ALL_TRUSTED rule back on so that you can see the problem, but
leave it at a lower score so that it doesn't cause false negatives while
you are working on the problem.

    score ALL_TRUSTED 0.01

Then adjust your trusted_networks until you stop seeing ALL_TRUSTED hits
in spam messages.

Trusted_networks should contain a list of all of the IP addresses of all
of the mailservers that you control (including the IP address(es) of the
local machine, if SA is running on the same server as your MTA).

There is also a setting for internal_networks, but you can normally
leave that one blank and let it default to the trusted_network settings.
Read the man page for a more detailed description of the two options.

Also see the wiki on the subject:


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