Jo, please read in entirety...

Um, no, I unsubscribed it from a list and then received LD spam...
Therefore it's pretty much a spam gig.  The solicited me first.  

We aren't talking about the pretty LD emails they sent to clients.
Don't get me wrong there.  In fact, those come through just fine.  It's
the spams they outsource (or whatever) that come in.  You know, they
ones where they misspell both mortgage and your name...

The history about this whole story is in the archives from about 18
months ago.  I unsubscribed, received a crappy looking misspelled spam,
went to the simple web page with a couple form fields, filled it out,
and received lots of phone calls.  For the return email address I used
some bogus yahoo account. I can understand the phone spam but no where,
and at no time, did I give them the spam email address other than the
one time "unsubscribe" (which I think was also spelled wrong at the

So this is a completely valid spam account.  There's no grey area around
that one.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jo Rhett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:11 AM
> To: Gary W. Smith
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Psst!
> Gary W. Smith wrote:
> > (thanks lending tree - not accusing you but most said they bought
> > hot leads from you).
> This is a situation where YOU deliberately gave their e-mail address
> lots of legitimate companies, SOLICITED A RESPONSE, and then mark it
> spam when it arrives.
> Look at the Lending Tree home page. Read their description of what
> do.  Giving your contact information to a lot of other companies IS
> Sorry, but this is major trigger point with me.  I work on an abuse
> helpdesk, and EVERY DAY there is some moron who is reporting as spam
> something they explicitly signed up for.  And used for months and then
> when they don't want to receive it any more, it is SPAM and IT IS BAD
> and our customer is EVIL.
> Please raise your consciousness just a bit.
> --
> Jo Rhett
> Network/Software Engineer
> Net Consonance

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