On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 at 18:00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] confabulated:

Michael Hutchinson wrote:
Hi all,

Another query.. another busy SA day.

I have a piece of Spam that is getting through to one of our biggest
clients. I have written rules to tag this Spam, but it is as if it isn't
even being checked by Spamassassin.


We can see from the headers that it has been looked at by Simscan, but
has not been parsed through SA, at least, I don't think it has. We
always have X-Spam-Status in our headers.

I can attach the actual Email if anyone would like to see it. Any ideas where to start troubleshooting the issue? Could this be a
Simscan related problem?


How big is the email ?  By default spamd won't scan anything over 255k

Is it spamd that has the default? I know for sure spamc has the default set to 500Kb (at least in the latest release):

  %man spamc
  -s max_size, --max-size=max_size
     Set the maximum message size which will be sent to spamd -- any
     bigger than this threshold and the message will be returned unpro-
     cessed (default: 500 KB).  If spamc gets handed a message bigger
     than this, it won't be passed to spamd.  The maximum message size
     is 256 MB.

I don't recall the OP stating what version of SA was running.

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