Jon Armitage wrote:
Justin Mason wrote:

sorry Marc, you weren't the first to come up with that idea.

He didn't say that he was, just that he was the first to raise it on the list.


It may have been 2001. But at the time I remember saying that all spam wants you to do something and that you can target spam based on what it wants you to do. At the time almost all spam had a link to click on and I was saying that if we ould create a list of what spam links to we could block it. At the time I remember that I was frustrated that I couldn't get any interest in what I considered to be an obvious solution.

I don't know if I was first but I do remember being frustrated with people ignoring the idea on this list. And if others were already doing it then they weren't talking about it here because if they were I would have been quite happy about it.

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