I just love these kinds of responses (talk about 5yo tantrums), as they
only server to prove my point about your credibility and the value of
your opinions.  Thank you!  :-)


Res wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Bill Landry wrote:
>>> I'm sure John might be happier to stay awake later and work on it for a
>>> hour or so each night as a 'priority'  *IF* Bill was willing to pay
>>> John for his time, but I suspect not somehow, as it is far easier to
>>> come
>>> on a mailing list and have a temper tantrum like an 5yo kid.
>> Maybe your opinion would carry some weight if you had even a little
>> bit of
>> a clue about what you are talking about.  How long have you been on this
>> list?  How much effort have you put into debugging this plugin issue?
> A lot longer than you might think, I don't say much here, I've used this
> list for years to mostly "get ideas" on rulesets when new spam arrives
> (why reinvent the wheel) to whih bTW I've envr seen anything
> contributing from yourself.
>> Were you even remotely involed in the process of coming up with a patch
>> for the issue?  Do you even use the botnet plugin yourself and
>> experienced
> No because I seem to have reliable DNS and have never exhibited the issue.
>> past 2 years?  How many open source projects do you support directly
>> yourself?  Are you actually giving anything back to the community that
>> you
>> Next time get a clue before you willy nilly jump in on a thread and start
>> flapping about something you really know nothing about!
> Got more a clue then you it seems, but I have the same problems with the
> projects I am involved with, tantrum wanking lamers like yourself
> demanding we give up our lives and work JUST to satisfy something you
> want, it will never happen turdbreath, get used to it, if you dont like
> it, dont use it, nobody is holding a gun to your pathetic mutated little
> head making you use it.
> Now fuck off and go elsewhere where someone might actually want to
> listen to your "I'm mightier than you" rants, you sad sad sad pathetic
> excuse of man.

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