Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 14:54 -0400, Adam Katz wrote:
>> rawbody  __CCM_UNSUB 
>> /"https?:..visitor\.constantcontact.com\/[^<>]{60,200}>SafeUnsubscribe</
> Ouch!  Rawbody, that hurts.
> If you really can't tell from the / a link URI alone, you'd better have
> a look at the URIDetail plugin instead. The anchor text of an HTML link
> is part of the internal URI data structure.

Interesting.  I didn't know about that.

ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail
  uri_detail __CCM_UNSUB domain =~ /\bvisitor\.constantcontact.com$/
raw =~ /\?.{40}/ text =~ /^SafeUnsubscribe$/
  rawbody  __CCM_UNSUB

>> describe KHOP_CONSTANTCONTACT  Remove DNS WL blessing for spam relayer
> Inappropriate description.
> Inappropriate logic. IFF the terminology used would be appropriate, you
> rather should take the then-false listing up with the whitelist.

Already did.  I've requested the Constant Contact IPs find their way
to HostKarma's Yellow or NOBL lists and out of the White list.

>> If you're not checking against a whitelist to undo it but rather
>> trying to block outright, I'd use something more like this:
>> header   __CCM_RELAY X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted =~ /^[^\]]+ 
>> rdns=ccm\d\d\.constantcontact\.com\s/
>> describe KHOP_CONSTANTCONTACT   Constant Contact is a known spammer
>> score    KHOP_CONSTANTCONTACT   4  # increase as needed
> Wholly inappropriate, IMHO. Seriously.

Given ConstantContact's size, yes.  However, it should safely
discriminate against CC's bulk mail without catching anything else by
accident, which is what "R-Elists" requested.  Note my starting value
of 4 so that nobody takes this too far out of context and into trouble.

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