On Friday, October 16, 2009, 11:49:43 AM, Adam Katz wrote:

AK> After some web searches, I decided to use the unsubscribe feature, but
AK> apparently I needed to unsubscribe every email address with every
AK> company that uses constantcontact.com.  To me, this means it is quite
AK> clear that Constant Contact's anti-spam policy is improperly enforced
AK> at best and flagrantly ignored at worst.

FWIW - I have had two experiences with CC customers apparently not
playing by the rules.

One was a new hotel/conference center that was just built earlier
this year. At that time, they helped themselves to the email
addresses in the Chamber of Commerce directory and commenced mailing
through CC. I complained, and was informed that they were suspended
for the ToS violation, and I received no further mail from them.

More recently, a political candidate for Governor (who I supported
for Lt. Gov. last go around and may very well support for Gov. - BUT
I'm reasonably sure I did not sign up on her mailing list) started
mailing me - and there's been a lot of e-pending of voter
registration lists going on.

I was informed that they told CC that all of their lists are legit
sign-ups from their web site.  Even though I told CC that I'm not
100% sure I didn't sign up (but 95% sure) they are suspended pending
further investigation.

So in sum, they seem to be very sensitive to abusers causing
problems for them (as well as their legitimate users.)

I grepped my mail logs and found that my wife and I are among many
other users on my system that receive legitimate, desired mail that
is delivered through CC.

Best regards,
 Robert Braver

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