Adam Katz wrote:
Does anybody here know anything about the legitimacy of Constant
Contact <> ?

In preparing a list of HOSTKARMA_W violators for Marc, I noticed a
very large amount of spam, coming from completely different companies,
was sent through servers using their "Safe
Unsubscribe" feature.

After some web searches, I decided to use the unsubscribe feature, but
apparently I needed to unsubscribe every email address with every
company that uses  To me, this means it is quite
clear that Constant Contact's anti-spam policy is improperly enforced
at best and flagrantly ignored at worst.

The biggest problem is that they're well seeded in the DNS whitelists,
including HostKarma and IADB, and they often use SPF, which gets the
"OK" from my double-check in khop-bl.

Before I write a custom rule to add points to anything passing through
a relay, I was wondering if anybody here had
thoughts on this.

(Note, questionable custom rules like this get tested on my production
servers with near-zero scores, then real scores, and /then/ they find
their way to my sa-update channels.)

I wouldn't say they are perfect but they try to be. It's close enough for my white list. They shut down abusers and the opt out works.

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