On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:55:00PM +0530, Rajkumar S wrote:
> Hi,
> Occasionally I receive mail from compromised web mails asking user
> name and password from my users. The source IPs are usually clean (as
> they are legitimate mail servers) and do not catch any ip based rules.
> Usually one or two mail accounts are used to pump mails via web mail
> after authentication.
> I have pasted one such (slightly edited) mail at http://pastebin.ca/1715399
> It is interesting to note that the victim was using  Barracuda anti
> spam appliance which also failed to catch this spam. Any ideas to
> tackle such spam is very much welcome.
> with regards,
> raj

Seeing the same thing here.  We are trying to remove the scrit spurce
but it is disguised.  Just a matter of time to pin the source.

Member - Liberal International  This is doc...@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doc...@nl2k.ab.ca
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