RW wrote:

>> > 
>> > Bob could also have just clicked the link in the NDR.
>> Some people - e.g. /me - do not try to pass Turing tests. Obviously
>> you are not interested in my mails anyway ....
> But it's only applied  to mail classified as spam, and unlike CR it
> generates no additional backscatter.
>> Apart from that why should I decode captchas from some random site?
>> After all, they could come from a third site so that people solve
>> them to the the other can log automatically into the third one ...
> Because the NDR is generated by *your* mail server in response to
> *your* email.
> I think it's rather a good idea.

I agree, it's not bad at all.  The only minor issue I see is that a lot
of people don't understand NDRs (or can't be bothered to try to).

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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