On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:
 Also, why
 body      __SOMMA       m'\Wsomma\W'i

 doesn't fire?

This is more a sylistic comment, but: you don't need to alter the
delimiters on that RE. Does this behave any better?

    body      __SOMMA       /\Wsomma\W/i

John, problem solved: these rows were all disabled being in a if(0)...endif
block. I already posted a "I'm a dumb fish" statement about it.

Yeah, and I saw that just after hitting {send} on the above. :)

I'm used to use m'...' because occasionally I have regexp with some '/' in
it, so my special regexp rules are almost all that way.

That's reasonable, until you want to write a RE with a single quote in it... :)

That also won't hit if "somma" appears at the beginning or end of a
line. Perhaps this would work better?

    body      __SOMMA       /\bsomma\b/i

It would be almost always counter-productive. "Somma" is (like in english) a
noun, so if it is early in a line, it is at least prefixed by an article:
"LA somma è ..." ("The amount is ...")

It very seldom may appear last in a row, since it would instead be followed
by some '.,;': "Questa è la somma:".


 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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