On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:48:49 +0100, "corpus.defero"
<corpus.def...@idnet.com> wrote:

>On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 17:19 +0100, Nigel Frankcom wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:59:57 +0100, "corpus.defero"
>> <corpus.def...@idnet.com> wrote:
>> >On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 16:50 +0100, Nigel Frankcom wrote:
>> >
>> >> We're on a BT only exchange here so it's them or nothing, well not
>> >> quite, I could go CoLo... hmmm maybe not, or satellite, I was involved
>> >> in setting that up in Cyprus.
>> >
>> >> Nigel
>> >Is there such a thing? I appreciate many are not unbundled, but the BTW
>> >agreement means you should have no problems getting a wires-only with
>> >someone like Zen, IDNET or Newnet. Believe me, the service just pee's
>> >over BT.
>> >
>> Fair point. I live in a small village right on the end of a spur.
>> After being burgled at my town offices I moved the whole dammed
>> shebang home and now run it from my own server room. 
>There is nothing wrong with that - it makes good environmental sense as
>well as security sense.
>> BT may not be the best, but they (or rather OpenReach) own the lines,
>> exchange and pretty much all else... plus they have helped.
>Having spent 16 years with them I know the ins and outs. Openreach were
>not allowed to show any favouritism to BT customers and went out of
>their way for 'other licensed operators'. Many BT folk of X years
>service found the notion of Openreach rather unpalatable and went out of
>their way to be awkward to native BT customers. I'm not sure if that
>attitude subset still exists but there really was an attitude towards
>all things BT. But good on your for sticking with them. 
>> If I go through a third party I end up with at least one more level of
>> 'have you re-booted your router' etc.
>That depends on who you go with. People like Zen, IDNET, aaisp, Newnet
>are actually much better than BT at dealing with issues - and usually
>much more knowledgeable. This SORBS issue would not even be an issue
>with them as they had the brains to sort out their space - rather than
>just try and cluelessly blindmug sell it so SOHO's.
>> Bottom line, I'd rather solve a problem than work round it. As it
>> happens I have a second IP off the range that I could have used, but
>> that would have meant a lot of DNS work etc (and DNS and I are not
>> good friends).
>I admire the spirit and good luck with it. If the Lib Dems win the
>election they may find a whole in their mad ideas to offer treatment for
>those with delusional misguided belief in BT syndrome. (DMBBT).
>> IMHO solving is better than blaming. My original post was a request
>> for advice and help. I got a lot of both... plus a lot of opinion.
>You knew that would happen. Being a BT customer is nearly as bad as
>being a spammer.... {joke} have a good weekend.
>> Kind regards
>> Nigel

The world 'aint perfect, but we work with what we have. I'm just happy
it's sorted. With luck anyone that hits similar issues will pick up on
this and yell.

I may take a line or two off different suppliers to se how close
promises and actuality meet.

Best to all


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