So? Yes, authentication and the ALL_TRUSTED rule does not prevent mail
from being scanned by SA. Clearly, because that is a SA rule...

What *does* prevent mail from being scanned by SA is *NOT* passing it to
SA in your MTA. I don't get your point.
Ok I just reread ur first post, I missunderstood you the first time. So you are saying if mail is delivered with authentication it will be scanned but should not be scored spam due to the ALL_TRUSTED rule? That still isnt the case on my system, again I wonder if the ALL_TRUSTED is therefore dependant on SASL auth?

Hi, sorry, I now hold up my hands and say: My system is working exactly as Karsten describes. My authenticated mails are being flagged with the ALL_TRUSTED rule. I did have some issues where authenticated mail was being scored as spam, which I resolved by configuring trusted_networks for LAN IPs. Unfortunately I dont have any of those mails to double check now. But authenticated mails from non-trusted_networks are indeed flagging the ALL_TRUSTED rule and are being delivered correctly. thanks for the information Karsten. Little by little I understand spamassassin a bit more!

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