
On Wed, 01.12.2010 at 11:02:54 -0500, Michael Scheidell 
<michael.scheid...@secnap.com> wrote:
> On 12/1/10 10:56 AM, Toni Mueller wrote:
> >Ok, now let's be serious, there*must*  be a reason why this didn't
> >happen long ago, right?
> Because the internet 'must be free'. as in accessable, not as in free beer.

you are preaching to the choir. ;)

I only wanted to illustrate that there *are* means, but it should be
obvious why (almost) nobody wants to use them. Eg. there's the "virtual
poststamp" method, as suggested by Microsoft, and it's patented, thus
protected from abuse, too...

Kind regards,

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