On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 16:55:17 +0000
Martin Gregorie <mar...@gregorie.org> wrote:

> Besides, I seem to remember hearing that IPV6 is never anonymous

Where did you hear that?  I can't imagine that
IPv6 is any less (or any more) anonymous than IPv4.

> OT comment 1: if IPV6 is indeed never anonymous, where does *that*
> leave spammers and botnets.

Spammers and botnets *do not care* about anonymity.  Why should they
when they can easily steal someone's identity by subverting his or her
computer?  That is why pretending that strong authentication will affect
spam is fantasyland.

[Well, the botnet operators care about personal anonymity, I guess, so
they cover their tracks.  But they don't care about anonymity as far as
interacting with SMTP servers goes.]



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