On 04/10/2011 22:52, Kris Deugau wrote:
Frank Leonhardt wrote:
I think there's a terminology mis-match here. To me "milter" is a
sendmail mail filter, of which there can be any number configured (this
is me making no assumptions about Postfix &c). In this case it's just
spamass-milter (Georg C. F. Greve 2002)

Nope, you've got the terminology straight.

MIMEDefang is another (much more flexible) milter - which can call a great many other things to do its processing including SpamAssassin. IIRC amavis can be deployed as a milter. ClamAV ships one very similar to spamass-milter, in that it's dedicated to passing messages to ClamAV. There are several dedicated to SPF and DKIM.


Thanks for the full explanation - the world of milters has obviously passed me by. Another thing to research. It never occurred to me that anyone would be using anything other than spamass-milter, which is why I didn't understand why everyone asked what I was using.

I found the part of spamass-milter that's faking up the header easily enough. The comment at the start of the block suggests its putting more in the header than the code actually does - including authorisation stuff.

One kind and knowledgeable person emailed me an interesting bit I didn't know about the sendmail.mc, and this might provide the solution (will post when I know it works) - undocumented AFAIK, like most of this stuff!

Regards, Frank.

Sent from my Cray XT5

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