On 04/10/2011 20:17, Kris Deugau wrote:
Frank Leonhardt wrote:
Thanks Kris, Kelson and Noel - pretty unanimous answer - just don't call
the milter for stuff on 465! Unfortunately I don't know how to achieve
this, but I'll go off and do some research now I know what I'm trying to

As far as I'm aware you can't bypass a milter - you would have to *configure* the milter to not pass the message to SA. You still haven't said which one you're using so none of us can give you any more specific advice (ie, of the "been there, done that" kind).

I think there's a terminology mis-match here. To me "milter" is a sendmail mail filter, of which there can be any number configured (this is me making no assumptions about Postfix &c). In this case it's just spamass-milter (Georg C. F. Greve 2002) - nothing to do with MIMEDefang and suchlike. It's a daemon - hangs around on a socket and waits for sendmail to give it an email. It then calls spamc and sends the modified message back to sendmail. It didn't occur to me that it'd be called indirectly by one of the other general purpose milters, but I can see that now.

Fortunately for me it's written in 'C', so I've got a reasonable chance of understanding it. I'm trawling through the source now.

Regards, Frank.

Sent from my Cray XT5

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