On 04 Mar 2012, at 04:44 , LuKreme wrote:

> mail spamd[26839]: dcc: failed to connect to local socket /var/dcc/dccifd 

OK, I found http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/InstallingDCC after doing some 
other googling, got DCC installed (I wiped the existing /var/dcc directory 
contents), restarted spamd and postfix, and still getting the same error. If I 
check /var/lib/dcc (I build with the FHS options) the dccifd file does not 

# cdcc info | grep anon 
dcc1.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+1000 ms  anon
dcc2.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+1000 ms  anon
dcc3.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+1000 ms  anon
dcc4.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+1000 ms  anon
dcc5.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+1000 ms  anon

'You know me,' said Rincewind. 'Just when I'm getting a grip on
something Fate comes along and jumps on my fingers.' --Interesting Times

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