On 04 Mar 2012, at 05:38 , xTrade Assessory wrote:

> not sure but probably the dccifd is the remote daemon and since DCC is a
> commerial service you might not have a account there, so you cannot
> connect ... ?

"The non-commercial DCC software is distributed under a license that is free 
only to organizations that do not sell filtering devices or services except to 
their own users and that participate in the global DCC network. ISPs that use 
DCC to filter mail for their own users are intended to be covered by the free 
license. “

But here’s the thing, if dcc is not enabled by spamassassin, I get a spamd 
error for every message.

BILL: I can't get behind the Gods, who are more vengeful, angry, an
dangerous if you don't believe in them!  HENRY: Why can't all these God
just get along? I mean, they're omni- potent and omnipresent, what's the

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