LuKreme wrote:
> On 04 Mar 2012, at 05:38 , xTrade Assessory wrote:
>> not sure but probably the dccifd is the remote daemon and since DCC is a
>> commerial service you might not have a account there, so you cannot
>> connect ... ?
> <>
> "The non-commercial DCC software is distributed under a license that is free 
> only to organizations that do not sell filtering devices or services except 
> to their own users and that participate in the global DCC network. ISPs that 
> use DCC to filter mail for their own users are intended to be covered by the 
> free license. “
> But here’s the thing, if dcc is not enabled by spamassassin, I get a spamd 
> error for every message.
you can disable the plugin or setup use_dcc 0 in

otherwise you should  check if you have the dcc package on your machine,
configured and running


XTrade Assessory
International Facilitator
BR - US - CA - DE - GB - RU - UK
+55 (11) 4249.2222

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