On 8/20/2012 2:02 PM, Ben Johnson wrote:
> On 8/20/2012 12:56 PM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> On 8/20/2012 12:46 PM, Axb wrote:
>>> On 08/20/2012 06:42 PM, Ben Johnson wrote:
>>>> On 8/17/2012 11:28 AM, John Hardin wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 17 Aug 2012, Ben Johnson wrote:
>>>>>> On 8/16/2012 2:00 PM, Ben Johnson wrote:
>>>>>> Basically, I need to do something about the spam inundation, as
>>>>>> soon as
>>>>>> possible.
>>>>>> Is there any reason that I should NOT be performing the sa-learn
>>>>>> training under the "amavis" user account?
>>>>> In general, all training should be done as the user that SA (in your
>>>>> case, SA via Amavis) is running as.
>>>> I have tried to do this, but to no avail:
>>>> ---------------
>>>> # su amavis -c 'sa-learn --spam
>>>> /var/vmail/example.com/trainer/Maildir/.INBOX.Spam'
>>>> archive-iterator: no access to
>>>> /var/vmail/example.com/trainer/Maildir/.INBOX.Spam: 13 at
>>>> /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ArchiveIterator.pm line 539.
>>>> archive-iterator: no access to
>>>> /var/vmail/example.com/trainer/Maildir/.INBOX.Spam: 13 at
>>>> /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ArchiveIterator.pm line 771.
>>>> archive-iterator: unable to open
>>>> /var/vmail/example.com/trainer/Maildir/.INBOX.Spam: 13
>>>> ---------------
>>> ~/Maildir/* assumes 1 file=1 mail
>>> pls try
>>> su amavis -c 'sa-learn --spam --progress --dir
>>> /var/vmail/example.com/trainer/Maildir/.INBOX.Spam/cur/'
>>> or wherever the message are stored
>> But first, you need access to the files.  The simplest way is probably
>> to add the amavis user account to the group used by the mail directories.
>> Assuming the group is "vmail", the command should look like this (on
>> RedHat/CentOS):
>> $ usermod -a -G vmail amavis
> Thanks, guys. I did consider adding the "amavis" user to the "vmail"
> group, but the default permissions on the directories within "Maildir"
> are 700 (with vmail:vmail ownership).
> So, I'd have to fiddle with the permissions on the entire directory
> tree, for each user, which seems like a bad idea.
> Furthermore, ISPconfig handles the creation (and deletion) of these
> directories, so I hesitate to change anything manually and muck-up the
> installation.
> While there may be permissions mask that is applied, modifying it seems
> risky.
> I wonder what the rest of the Dovecot + Amavis + SA world is doing about
> this. Maybe I should ask on the Amavis mailing list.
> If anyone has other suggestions, by all means, please do share.
>> This command will probably need to be run as root.  If you are using a
>> different distro, you will need to look up the command to add the amavis
>> user to the vmail group.
> Much thanks,
> -Ben

I was able to resolve the issue by adding the --username switch to the
'sa-learn' executable:

# sa-learn --username=amavis --spam

Thanks for all of the hints, folks!


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