On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 10:02:37 -0400
Bowie Bailey <bowie_bai...@buc.com> wrote:

> On 8/12/2014 9:48 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:
> > 1) An objective criterion: Was the message unsolicited?

> Unfortunately, that can be difficult to determine.

Yes, definitely.  But in principle, a message is either solicited or
not, regardless of one's opinion.

> A large, well known, reputable company is unlikely to be sending
> spam.

I don't know.  Large, well-known, reputable companies have
inappropriately put Roaring Penguin employees on marketing lists in
the past.  I consider that to be spamming: Just because we do business
with a company doesn't necessarily imply consent to be marketed to.

It is true that they did remove us from their lists when we went through
the unsubscribe process, but it's also true that they were rather loose
with what they considered to be consent for the initial sign-up.

> But you still have to consider point 1.  If a user starts complaining
> that he's getting spam from Amazon, I'm not going to mess with SA,




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