Alex wrote:
> Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> But you still have to consider point 1.  If a user starts complaining
>> that he's getting spam from Amazon, I'm not going to mess with SA, I'm
>> going to tell him to click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the
>> email.  (Assuming that it actually is from Amazon, of course)
> I don't really like the per-user control. The challenge is to build a
> system that requires as little maintenance as possible - that's what
> we're supposed to be doing, IMHO.

So...  What do you do, when user A gets extremely mad to see
$legitimatenewsletter in their Inbox, and user B gets extremely mad to
see $legitimatenewsletter in their Spam folder?  If you only have a
global policy with no way to adjust on a per-user basis, you're going to
have someone mad at you either way.

Sooner or later, once you scale beyond a very small number of users, you
*will* have a conflict between where any give pair of users expects to
see a particular message.

At that point you have to decide:  Is this something most people want in
their Inbox?  And then make exceptions on a per-user basis for those who


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