I'm not sure wiping BAYES is needed, unless training does not

On 26.09.14 09:11, John Hardin wrote:
He has autolearn running. Unless he has copies of the spams that were learned as ham, there's no way to totally undo that short of wipe and start over from scratch.

depends on how much of the messages are incorrectly trained/classified

You *did* keep your initial Bayes training corpora, right?

this is very good idea to have. Maybe at least keeping all autolearned spam
and ham for some time, just for the possibility of retraining.

The critical part is to have base corpora of *correctly classified* (i.e. manually reviewed) messages. If you're keeping copies of autolearned messages (which will probably be quite a few) then you *need* to *manually review* them before using them for retraining, otherwise you'll probably end up simply rebuilding a mistrained database.

my point was: when someone relies on autolearn, messages that were
auto-lerned are those that need to be kept, since they affect scoring
mostly. if they were learned incorrectly, they make biggest difference when
re-trained properly.

...since autolearning is quite common, this is one of easiest ways to avoid

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